Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Holiday Float Continues

This week's trading has been unfolding much as I outlined in several posts over the weekend. The slow, light volume holiday float up has continued. And while it's been a bit boring to watch, the gains to the long side have actually been fairly substantial.

If you follow me on twitter (@thetsxpert), you'll know that I was looking to pick up several long positions into this week. This included stocks like FTS.to, HSE.to, CNQ.to, IMO.to, ECA.to and SU.to, as well as commodities like oil and natural gas via the HOU.to and HNU.to 2x ETFs. I thought that since the markets were oversold and approaching a holiday period, picking up stocks long into key support levels would be a safe bet. My analysis also showed me that oil & gas were making bottoms, so I concentrated my picks in those areas.

Unfortunately, these stocks came within cents of my entry targets before taking off sharply to the upside--in most cases dollar plus gains so far. The only position I ended up getting filled on was HNU.to and ECA.to, both natural gas related. I'm very happy with their performance but of course I'd be much happier with more long exposure given the gains in the market.

But what the market giveth, it also taketh away. I'd probably be looking to take the gains off the table by now, or close to it. In fact, I was debating towards the end of today whether or not to take profits. I ended up holding as I think we may have a day or two more of upside, but I have breakeven stops in any case.

Both the TSX60 and the SPY are close to some major resistance levels, which you can read about here and here. My position is the same--if resistance levels are hit later this week or early next, I'll short them.

I also think there's a decent chance of going sideways tomorrow. The market appears to have priced in Greece's parliament voting in key austerity measures tomorrow morning. Therefore if the vote passes as expected, the market should hold on to its gains and do little else. Alternatively, a surprise impasse in the vote could weigh on the markets to the downside.

In any case, I'll be looking for trades on both the long and short side so that no matter what happens tomorrow I'll be ready to take advantage of it. I'll advise on my findings later tonight both here and on twitter.

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